Company Values

Employees are among our organization’s most valuable assets. Every employee represents SIS, Inc. to our customers and the public. The way we do our jobs presents an image of our entire organization. Our customers judge all of us by how they are treated with each employee contact. Our personal contact with customers, our manners on the telephone and the communication we send to customers are a reflection not only of ourselves, but also of the professionalism of SIS, Inc. Nothing is more important than being courteous, friendly, helpful and prompt in the attention you give customers.

Therefore, the employees of SIS, Inc. will continually strive to meet and exceed the following core values of the organization:

  • Highest Standards of Integrity

    Be ethical and honest in all personal and business dealings, such that it will merit the continual trust and confidence of fellow employees and customers.

  • Respect for Each Other

    Basing working relationships upon trust and respect. Maintaining a positive environment where employees and customers treat each other with respect and courtesy. Communicating openly and candidly with others and extending team spirit internally and externally.

  • Commitment to Excellence

    Working to achieve ever-higher quality standards and committing to uncompromising excellence. Creating long-term customer relationships by consistently delivering quality and value that meet or exceeds expectations.

  • Exemplify Professionalism

    Promote and enhance the image of our employees and organization through conduct, appearance and behavior toward fellow employees and customers.